TERRY WILSON • stereo artist
StereoviewsAMNH Dioramas
AMNH Dioramas. The American Museum of Natural History (amnh.org) has the best dioramas I have ever seen. This series was taken in February 2005. Not only are the scenes exquisitely rendered, but many of the stories told in the tableaux are compelling, from the early primate strolling along with his arm tenderly around the female, to the aggressive komodo dragon.

James Perry Wilson (1889-1976) painted the backgrounds for many of the dioramas; Carl Akeley (1864-1926) conceived of, designed, and collected for the mammal dioramas in the Museum.

Some of the scenes are missing descriptions because the photo of the accompanying signage was blurry beyond recognition. Eventually I will complete the descriptions. In most of these, I use the stereo window to further define depth by allowing the scene to break beyond the window in some way.

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