Terryfic3D Picks:
Flower Cards

February 2023: I'm not actively shooting 3D these days, but I'm proud of the body of work I created in this niche area of photography, so I'm leaving my site up for people who wander in. I've also disabled ordering anything, as much of my body of work is not on hand. Due to the changing landscape of printing, it's all but impossible for me to print any more anaglyphs without a new printer, and honestly I don't want to go through finding the right printer and the right settings to produce a ghostliest anaglyph. Rendering my colorful flower images in anaglyph requires a precise tuning of the colors to avoid ghosting.
January-February 2008: Discover 3D, Art Exhibition at the Black Maria Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA.
Aptil 2007: Front Cover photo and 12-page portfolio/interview in Digitális Fotó Magazin, a high-quality Hungarian photography magazine. View PDF of the article. (Image above.)
You may order a copy of this magazine directly from Digitális Fotó Magazin by emailing mail@holovm.hu.
Spring 2006: One-Woman show at the 3D Center of Art and Photography, Feb 23 - April 2. This exhibit showcases my American Museum of Natural History diorama stereoview series begun last year, and updated this winter with new images.
January 2006: New aerial phantograms and Mars phantograms, and another phantogram show in San Jose.
But I don't just make phantograms! I also make stereoviews. This year I travelled to San Jose to exhibit a comprehensive phantogram collection (see 2005 Phantogram Show), and on the way, took aerial stereos. Some of these images are online now in Stereoviews / Aerials and Phantograms / Prints / Aerials, along with aerials from more recent trips to California and Texas.
In February, 2005 I visited the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The dioramas of wildlife are world-class. I photographed many of them and have just added them to the Stereoview section here. See Stereoviews / AMNH Dioramas