Details for "Field Trip Articles"
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TitleField Trip Articles
SubtitleMisc Articles From Gems & Minerals, Desert Magazine, And Oregon Coast
KeywordsField Collecting
NotesNevada volcanic hills, sagenite in Odessa canyon, Salton sea crystals, Death Valley, Zabriski opals, Skarktooth Hill, Danby Dry Lake selenite, Black Mountain jasper and agate, western Turtle Mtns chalcedony, petrified wood, Chuckawalla Springs chalcedony, Mule Mtns fire agate, Santa Rosa rainbow stones, palo verde agates, Twentynine Palms crystals, High Sierra rhodochrosite, hematite, quartz, epidote; Blue ridge actinolite, Owens Valley Indian artifacts, Siskiyou jade and rhodonite
Pub. Year
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