Jim Myers
Lawyer with integrity

I will miss Alan Wilson, both as a friend and a fine lawyer with whom I have worked on many cases in past years. In my law practice, I do not handle litigation. Instead, I associate an experienced and competent trial attorney. Alan had those talents, and for years he was my first choice in filling those needs. I have never known nor had the pleasure of working with a better trial lawyer.

First and foremost, however, Alan was a man of complete honesty, integrity, and a warm and caring human being and gentleman at all times. I have attended many hearings with Alan. He was always received by the judge involved in a manner of respect, doubtless because the court appreciated Alan's candor and honesty. Alan simply would not stretch a point or misrepresent facts or law for the sake of winning, and those qualities of his were well known to the bench and bar. Without boasting, I can honestly say that Alan's record regarding cases he handled for me was: many wins; no losses.

Jim Myers

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